US$ Amerikansk dollar
US$ Amerikansk dollar€ Euro£ Britisk pundAED Emiratarabisk dirhamAR$ Argentinsk pesoAU$ Australsk dollarBGN Bulgarsk levR$ Brasiliansk realCA$ Kanadisk dollarCHF Sveitsisk francCL$ Chilensk pesosCN¥ Kinesisk yuanCO$ Colombiansk pesosKč Tsjekkisk korunaDkr Dansk kroneEGP Egyptisk pundHK$ HongkongdollarFt Ungarsk forintRp Indonesisk rupiah₪ Israelsk shekelRs Indisk rupiJP¥ Japansk yen₩ Koreansk wonMX$ Meksikansk pesoRM Malaysiske ringgitNkr Norsk kroneNZ$ Newzealandsk dollarzł Polsk złotyRON Rumensk leuRUB Russisk rubelSR Saudiarabisk riyalSkr Svensk kroneS$ Singaporsk dollar฿ Thailandsk bahtTL Tyrkisk lireNT$ Ny taiwansk dollar₴ Ukrainsk hryvnia₫ Vietnamesisk DongR Sørafrikansk rand
Shipra Sanganeria
Shipra Sanganeria is a freelance writer and researcher with a strong
interest in new technologies and their socio-economic impact.
Previously, she worked as a freelance writer and market researcher for
companies in the technology and finance sectors. In her free time,
she’s an amateur photographer and baking enthusiast who enjoys diving
into psychological thrillers and exploring free courses to enhance her
research skills and creativity.